Huge Thank You To The Academy Awards® Qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival for the Official Selection of our Short Sci-Fi Screenplay “RECTIFIED” written by Jean Marcello and Dimi Nakov – Director. We have been working for a while on several screenplays, that are now circulating a selected script competitions and fests and we are also hard at work in the development of several other projects, so stay tuned. –
Also, Huge Thank You to Marla J. Hayes, Screenwriter for the support and advice as a Script Consultant for RECTIFIED.
The 13th HollyShorts Film Festival (#HSFF 2017) is an annual film festival showcasing the best and brightest short films and screenplays from around the globe. #HollyShorts is devoted to the advancement filmmakers through screenings, Q&A sessions, and networking events.
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